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Weekly music classes in the Heatons for children aged 0-7

Saturday Mornings
9.00-9.40 2-3 year olds
9.50- 10.30 3-4 year olds
10.45- 11.25 Super Strings

11.35- 12.15 4-6 year olds

Thursday Mornings
9.30-10.00 Mini Musicians, 0-2 yrs

The Heatons Centre, Heaton Moor SK4 4DQ

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Patrons: Brian & Val Willis
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Our Classes


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Come and join our exciting musical journey, where we explore sounds, songs and rhythms with real musicianship at its core.


Led by a professional musician, children will be introduced to the amazing world of music through fun songs, games and musical instruments which will inspire, educate and develop the musical ear of even the youngest budding musician.


All our songs and games have been specially designed to develop a real sense of pitch and rhythm from an early age, while also being great fun to learn and sing along to. There will be opportunities to listen to music, learn new songs, as well as joining in with familiar favourites, and experiment with rhythm and pitch on percussion instruments. We will be moving and dancing, playing musical games with balls, bean bags and hula hoops, and even creating artwork and composing our own music inspired by what we learn. From Reception age and upwards children can begin putting their musical knowledge into practice on a violin of their own, and our new "Super Strings" group is perfect for those really starting to get to grips with their violin skills!


Little Musicians sessions are great fun for both children and grown-ups, and they are also a brilliant starting place for children who would like to learn a musical instrument one day, or alongside instrumental lessons for those who may have even started already!


Classes are 40 minutes long, and take place at the Heatons Centre in the heart of Heaton Moor. They are split into four groups: 


2-3 years old: 9.00am -9.40am

3-4 years old: 9.50am -10.30am

Super Strings- 10.45am- 11.25am

4-6 years old (including some beginner violin): 11.35am- 12.15pm


Each session costs £8, with an additional sibling (attending the 9.00 or 9.50 group) priced at a discounted rate of £5 a session. An additional sibling is able to attend either of the first two groups. Sessions are booked by the half term, if after 2 sessions you decide our group isn't for you we would be happy to refund the remaining sessions. Please scroll down or click the link at the top to book your place.


Please note that, with the exception of the 10.45 and 11.35 groups, there must be a grown-up accompanying your children. Grown-ups are welcome to stay for the later 2 groups, or drop off and pick up- either is fine.


If you have any questions at all, please email

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I'm Sophie, a professional violinist, experienced music teacher and Mum-of-two, living in Heaton Moor. I've set up Little Musicians because I'm passionate about music education, and especially in the early years of childhood. I love seeing the enjoyment that children get from participating in music classes, and I also love watching them develop musically as well as growing in confidence and in other aspects of their learning.

I graduated from the Royal Academy of Music, London in 2009 with an MA in Violin Performance, as well as an LRAM Teaching Diploma. I then took up a position as a violinist in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, and have been really lucky to combine a career performing in concert halls all over the world with a wide range of education work. I have led early years workshops in Childrens' Centres across Liverpool. I'm also an ensemble coach for the groundbreaking "In Harmony" Project, which provides whole classes of children in West Everton and Anfield with musical instruments and lessons. I coach the violin sections at the Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, and I'm a private violin teacher to pupils of all ages.

About Sophie


To join our group, click here to book your place. We're really looking forward to meeting you!
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